Friday, May 25, 2007

Summer semester

There are three types of college students that go to summer semester.

The first type is the "I'm majoring in three degrees, four minors, and will still graduate in 4 years" guy. This is the person that buys his books and pocket protectors the semester before taking the courses. This guy always sits on the first chair of the row, lest he be blocked from view of the board and start to tick off his fellow classmates by doing a Stevie Wonder to get that last letter then professor wrote up on the board. He's first in his seat on test days, the last one to leave the room, and many times will attempt to strike up "friendly" conversations with the staff, constantly shmoozing for a future reference letter. In a given classroom, there's mercifully only one or two of these (at least, at my little school).

Type two is the complete opposite. Most of these guys have taken the class several times before. They've also failed several times before. They come in on day one of summer semester, laughing about how they hope this professor will cut some slack b/c it's the summer (only 10 weeks as opposed to 16). When they realize that he doesn't, they whine and complain about being there. Sadly, this group comprises about half of the classroom. Happily, most of them drop (again) before the end of the semester.

That leaves type III, the category I fall most in. Type III's are beaten. They walk the halls of classrooms looking like Jacob Marley. They don't keep track of classes based on the day of the week - they keep track of the days of the week based on classes. They often consume massive quantities of caffeine without it ever seeming to help - yet they never fall asleep in class. For that matter, they rarely sleep at all. For them the end is in sight - graduation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE the countdown feature you added! It will be here before you know it and I'm right there beside you Babe.

8:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there, man.

1:41 PM  

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