Thursday, August 09, 2007

Time for a new 'do

In this next installment of "why our house is always interesting," soon to be re-titled "why misawa is homeless," I bring you a conversation that occurred just last night. But first, a bit of background...

When I first met my Dearly Beloved in college (the first time), she would change her hairstyle usually every month or so. Now, when I say change, I'm not talking about going to the barber stylist and getting a trim - I'm talking changed. Of course, there's only so much it can change on a college budget, but when the chips are down and the bread is moldy... well, you can always just cut the mold off the bread - the hair would change.

And then finally, it happened - she settled on the style that "fit." This 'do has worked, with little maintenance except a trim here and there, for several years. Throw in some oil changes and tire rotations, it'll work for several more years.

Except now, it's time for a new one.

Her: Already smirking,"I think I want to change my hairstyle."
Me: Clenching, after sudden onset of desire to defecate on myself,"Okay...?"
Her: "Yeah, I think I want it more like..."
Me: Chaka-Khan?"... uh-huh..."
Her: "... you know, how what's her name's hair looks in..."
Me: Wonder how my fantasy baseball team is doing"...uh-huh..."
Her: "...but not like as short as that time when..."
Me: I need to pre-rank my players for my fantasy football league, too,"...uh-huh..."
Her: "... but I don't want it too long either..."
Me: I'm hungry,"Oh, of course not..."
Her: "EXACTLY! Now I just need to find a picture..."
Me: Ooh! I can pretend to be doing that while doing anything else,"Let me see what I can find."
Her: "That's too short. Too long. Too funky. Too short. Not short enough..."
Me, 4 score and 20 minutes later, after having looked through 9 pages of Google images of Kelly Clarkson's hairstyles: "Not sure you're hairstyle's in here, Poppett. Better luck next time!" I need some eyedrops
5 minutes later, she hands me a picture of THE hairstyle, which was in the liner to her Kelly Clarkson CD, also on pages 2, 6, 7, and 9 of Google images.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's great that y'all communicate so well. Just think, in a lot of marriages, she wouldn't even have bothered to tell you.

12:00 PM  
Blogger misawa said...

Well, it does save me from a night in the doghouse if she gets it done and I don't notice.

12:04 PM  

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