Saturday, February 09, 2008

Much ado

I have to admit, the old blog is really suffering - and it might continue that way. Besides being busy, just haven't been in a writing mood. That is, until yesterday...

So there I was, sitting at my new desk, at my new job, looking over my new business cards when my old phone rings (as opposed to my new phone). I look at the callerid and notice that it's my wife's work... only I know she's not there.

She works at a hospital. Gulp.

I answer the phone and it's the other assistant in the office, explaining that she has my wife on the other line (!), she's in pain (!!), and that she's talked to Dr. Huxtable and that I need to go home and get her to the hospital (!!!). Get in the back, Dale Jr. - I'm taking the wheel on this one...

I get home and find lil md upstairs, crying, and trembling - which is only unusual in the fact that she was upstairs. She's part Chihuahua. Anyhoo, down the stairs and in the car we went... to sit in bumper-to-bumper traffic. I saw a turtle pass us, smiling.

I powerslid into the emergency room bay and ran inside, planning to yell "Pregnant lady in pain! Need a gurney, stat!" The only problem was, there was nobody in the waiting room or at the registration desk. Nobody. And yelling in an empty room... well, just wouldn't have been as satisfying.

Finally I get a nurse and soon we're in a wheelchair going in to the Labor and Delivery ward... and that's when it hit me. I just might leave out of here a dad. I mean, technically, I'm already a father, but I'm not a dad yet. That's a heavy feeling, man.

Three nurses, two vials of blood, and one heckuva pain killer later, we have our answer - an abdominal strain from copious quantities of coughing. By 11pm we were discharged and on our way home.

And that's how we roll on a Friday night.


Blogger j razz said...

You'll have to wait for the Dad experience just a little longer :)

j razz

9:10 AM  

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