Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Last night's bowling scores

124, 156, and 150. Last night saw the Return of the Hook to my game. Given those scores and what they were earlier this season when I abandoned the curve (or it abandoned me), I'm quite pleased with that. Until last Wednesday night, I hadn't bowled since the last week of November - that explains the 124 in the first game, sorta.

At any rate, the highlight of the night came in the second game when I guttered the first ball of the 4th frame and the second ball teetered on the brink of the gutter. By some manner of physics that befuddled everyone watching, about 3 to 4 feet in front of the head pin the ball broke hard in to the pocket and knocked them all down for the elusive 0/.

Nevertheless, I'm glad bowling season has picked back up - I needed an outlet for my competitive juices.


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