Thursday, June 26, 2008

Just your garden-variety, public school-going-to-hell-in-a-handbacket story

Saying their son was "silenced" by his teacher for talking about hunting in the classroom, the parents of a fourth-grade student at North Bennington Graded School took their son out of school and have taken their case to the local school board.

Bordwell [the boy's mother] said that, during snack time, Jared was discussing the recent spring turkey hunting season with a classmate when Backus interrupted the conversation, insisting that there be no talk of "killing" in her classroom.

Reached through a relative, Backus declined to comment.
Yeah, I think I'd decline to talk about it, too, considering how she reacted:
"Jared's teacher covered her ears, trying to block the conversation, and singing 'la la la la.' When asked by another school employee about her odd behavior, the teacher claimed she did not want to hear about the boys and their 'killing.' The boys were left feeling that they were not legitimate hunters, but 'killers' in the eyes of an important authority figure in their lives," Bordwell said.

Bordwell said that after the incident at school, Jared's father approached Backus, questioning the teacher about her "reprimand" of his son.

"The confrontation ended with Ms. Backus demanding that Marty leave the classroom, screeching, 'I went hiking this weekend and saw a moose and a bear, and I will never tell you where they are because you might kill them," Bordwell said.
Just what does the school principal have to say about all of this?
School Principal Thomas Martin said he is confident the administration and the school board "can reach a reasonable understanding" among the parties involved in the matter.

"It's not a huge issue," Martin said in an interview. "Marty is a good kid and Kathleen is a good teacher. The focus is on the kid. We want to try to meet his needs. Kathy cares a great deal about kids. She's troubled a great deal about this."

Martin said the issue is neither "black and white or right and wrong. It's more complicated than that. It's brushing up against a number of things that are important to a lot of people and issues relating to the classroom. Emotions start to feed into it when people's belief systems come into play," he said.

Martin said he would not support any move that would inhibit conversations about any student's hobby, "as long as it is in the parameters of good taste."
With all due respect to Principal Martin, this teacher should be fired, fired, fired. I didn't even get in to the stories about him potentially being singled out by her, but even without that - how can she be considered a good teacher? I'm of the opinion that this is more fallout from zero tolerance nonsense - this principal doesn't have what it takes to make a decision here and there's no policy dictating what his action should be.

Link to the story.


Blogger j razz said...

A sign of the times? I submit that it is!

j razz

7:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder what this teacher would do if a wasp, bee or mosquito was after her?

9:33 AM  

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