Looking forward
Providing nothing really gets on my nerves between now and Sunday night at 11:59pm, this will probably be my last post of the year. It's not that I think it's been a bad year - on the contrary, it's been a great one, despite the bumps and bruises (both figuratively and literally). I just prefer to look forward to things coming up. So with that said, here are the things I'm looking forward to in the New Year, separated in to their different categories.
- Movies - I've got to admit, aside from Pirates 2 and X-men 3 of this past summer, I've always been looking forward more to next year's movies. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (all CG and looking awesome), in March; 28 Weeks Later (sequel to 28 Days Later), Shrek III, and Pirates III (oh please let this one redeem the dredge that was the second one), all in May; Ocean's 13 in June; Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (!), Transformers (!!!), and The Simpsons movie all in July; and finally, The Bourne Ultimatum (!!!!!) in August.
- TV - 24 - sure, I've seen the previews with Jack Bauer all "now I can die for something," (in the words of Jeff, pshaw!), but something tells me this won't be the last hurrah for TVs best character and show; Lost - I'm all sorts of hanging on Feb. 7th, the day this crack-like show returns (and yes, I admit it's been a little slower this season than the previous ones; you had to expect a few hiccups trying this new "6 shows, long break, then the remaining 18"); CSI - in my opinion, this show has had a rebirth of sorts; Prison Break - another show that has surprised me with how they've been able to keep entertaining material flowing outside the prison walls; and the Gilmore Girls - here's my man card, please be gentle.
- School - one big long word that's been a big long time in coming - G-R-A-D-U-A-T-I-O-N, Dec. 2007. Though I do have to mention that it is possible that date will slip to May 2008, I don't care - ya know, the whole light at the end of the tunnel thing.
- Family - I'm looking forward to spending more time with my family. I haven't blogged about it at all, but my grandfather's health is greatly deteriorating, my grandmother isn't doing that much better, and my niece is getting bigger before my very eyes. Sure, school is important, as is church - but I plan on keeping things far more balanced from now on.