Friday, January 26, 2007

Is it bad when...

... on your way to work, school, or wherever it is you're going and everybody is driving like an idiot, you're thinking how the mornings' events would make an interesting blog post?

... your wife, after making a cute but "blonde-moment" statement says to herself, "Dangit! That's gonna be a blog post, isn't it!?" (For the record, it never made it on here)

... you spend an hour, maybe more, on a post and then proofread it and realize it's just not that interesting? But you post it anyway just b/c you haven't posted anything in a while and were starting to lose your credentials as a "blogger"?

... when you proofread a post backwards? (a method of spell checking I was taught a long time ago that, apparently, has stuck for the most part)

... you're too lazy to Google something, like when you're leaving a comment on another blog about something but are just relying on memory rather than siting a source? Because usually somebody will call BS, then you'll have to Google and find the source, therefore creating more work for your lazy butt.

... you get pegged as a blogger by people who've never even read your blog?! (Or known of it's existence - they just made a really good educated guess)


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