Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Again with The Rules

This is not directed at anybody I've ever shot with or handled firearms around. Most people I associate with and handle firearms around obey The 4 Rules; even if they have a brain-fart and violate one, they take correction and apologize.

Why are my boxers ruffled, you ask?

A friend of mine was sitting in his living room when some "friend" of his did just that. His friend was clowning and, after hearing about Rule Number 2 - never point the gun at anything you don't want to destroy - pointed the gun at him and said [bubba voice=on] "Like this?" - smiling and chuckling all along.

This guy is an absolute , and deserves to never be around you with anything more than a water gun. Ours is not a culture of pride. Egos must be checked at the door. Nobody is above reproach.

"What do I do if this happens to me?" Glad you asked...

For starters, get out of the line of fire. This doesn't need to be done with great dramatics - no diving for the ground, yelling "take cover!" And for everybody's sake, don't pull your own firearm, unless you honestly believe this person is trying to shoot you. Calmly step aside.

Next, inform the person of their transgression, but keep it civil. No need in getting anybody excited, especially when there is a loaded gun tossed in the equation and Bubba the Funny Clown/Redneck. Reacting in anything more than a professional and courteous manner will most likely give him the satisfaction he was looking for in the first place. Refrain from calling him names - that time will come.

Now comes the crucial point. Instruct the person to safety the weapon* and put it down. Keeping with the earlier advice, maintain politeness - use the word "please." Never threaten action on your part if he does not comply!!! He just might call your bluff - remember, we're dealing with an , obviously of one of the upper order s. This step MUST (note the use of absolute wording) occur - there will be no wrestling when somebody is holding a gun.

Once the gun is on a table, the floor, wherever, take it and clear it, but most importantly DO NOT violate one of the safety rules in your haste to end the confrontation! This person is going to be watching you like a hawk, and at this point will hopefully feel ashamed. If not...

... this is the point where you can beat him down and call him a scruffy-looking nerf-herder.

*Astute readers, or anybody who's ever gone shooting with me before, know that I don't particularly care for mechanical safeties on a gun with two exceptions - 1) a drop safety, and 2) thumb safety on a 1911. Even with those, safeties tend to give a false sense of security and can (and will) fail if given the right conditions. That said every gun comes with one safety - YOUR trigger finger. Keep that booger hook off the bang-switch til time to go boom.


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