Thursday, January 26, 2006

Don't like it? Tax it!

From the "politicians over stepping their bounds" file, a Texas politician, Star Locke, proposes a 100% tax on violent video game sales.
"I take the position that the Founding Fathers took: that the power to tax is the power to destroy," Locke told the Amarillo Globe News. "So our concept is that we need to tax things we don't want and you want to not tax things that you want to encourage."
Eh? The Founding Fathers believed in using the power to tax to destroy? Tyranny, anybody? Although hard to believe, his insanity doesn't stop there...
Locke's other platform promises call for the repeal of all alcoholic beverage laws and a 50 percent "grease tax" on "upon all food prepared by deep-frying or cooking in any form of oil or grease for human consumption.
Interesting. No extra taxes on cigarettes or strip clubs? What about interns? Just another reason for HR2525.

With this idea in mind, here's my top things that I would tax simply because I don't like them.
  • cigarettes - 50%
  • spinach - 60% - never liked it
  • brussel sprouts - 90% - really never liked them
  • Nazis - 15% - I cut the eternal video game bad guys a break
  • teenagers - 30% - I understand it's not your fault how you act - it's all those hormones; doesn't matter - I still should get some compensation for putting up with you
  • blondes - 5% - just never really cared for them
  • fake blondes - 25% - why would you do that to yourself?
  • politicians - 100% - I'm not satisfied with the product and would like a refund.
Feel free to add your own.


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